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Old buildings in our hometown.

  As a student,we shoud do our best to contribute to our hometown .Althrough I can not do much now ,I will tell you something about our hometown by writting in English .Now let us take a look at these bulidings full of religion colours in my hometown .The following  pictures are about three different  religion bulidings . 

    People who are believe in the Mohammedan religion like build their buildings on a place where live a lot of believers and clean enough.They want their buildings look special.These buildings  always has round top and big enough room which can allow many believers\' religion active in it .Seeing from a distance,these buildings are very beautiful and harmony with environment.However many actions are forbidden in these earas ,such as smoking ,dirnking,fighting and speaking badly.When you visit them someday,you must pay attention to your actions.

   The third picture is a example of the Buddhist religious building.These buildings are often painted into colourous.The wall inside is often drew a lot of imaginary suppernatural beings the buddhist religion believe in.They always lies in quiet placees.Many these buildings will remind us of the Imperial Palace too,but some have their own style----like a tower.If you are interested in these buildings, you may pay a visit to our hometown,here you are sure to enjoy yourself.

   The last picture ,you must have known,is a building of Tibetan Bubbhism.They are always built in the seat of moutain where has beautiful senery and far away from noise .Wind--bells hung on the eaves of these buildings ,when wind comes ,the beautiful natural music will make you feelmore happier than any other time.You can alsoenjoy the beautiful senery when you visit these buildings.The peaple there are friendly to others .Besides, you can learn about the culture of this nationby visiting local people if you want to.

        In a word ,there are many special buildings around our hometown .They can broaden your vision and make you know the rich culture of our country.I hope you will come here and take a look at these buildings .

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